Thursday, October 13, 2016

When in Doubt, Paint it Out

I don’t know about you but whenever I start a new week I always brainstorm what I have to plan. This week just so happened to be my father’s birthday. Am I prepared for it? Absolutely not! So when in doubt find a canvas and paint it out. It’s easy and something that comes straight from the heart which every parent usually loves the most. All you have to do is find a canvas, get some paint, create something that is special to your loved one, and away you go on a easy and cheap present that your special someone will love forever. Just in case your not following on how easy this really can be, I will help you out with a few easy steps.

First gather all the supplies that are needed.
  • Jar for water to wash out your brushes
  • Paint tray
  • Paint brushes of all sizes
  • Paint (whatever colors you will need for your design)
  • Canvas
  • Pencil

Next create something that you can paint that will look creative yet resemble something that your loved one can relate too. I chose a barn and a sunset because my father is a farmer.

Then you will take your canvas and a pencil and start sketching out your drawing. Make sure to make it dark enough so you can see the lines even if you get some paint over them.


Then it's time to to get down to business. Grab your brushes and paint needed and start painting away. With mine I painted the sky first since it will be lighter than the other objects with the darker color so if I mess up I can just cover it up.  Continue to paint until you are satisfied with how it looks. If not I would suggest just cleaning your lines up and making everything look straight.IMG_7780.JPGIMG_7801.JPG

Next if you want you could even add a quote to whatever picture you are drawing. I decided to add a quote because it adds a lot more meaning to the picture.


When you have finished touching up and painting you will need to let it dry before you beautifully wrap it up and give it to your loved one. Enjoy this easy craft!

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