Thursday, October 27, 2016

Popsicle Stick Picture Frames


Picture frames can be expensive, and if you're like me sometimes you don't want to spend money on a frame. When I was scrolling through Pinterest I found a pin for a popsicle stick shelf but when I made it the ledge did not seem big enough to put anything on. So I decide to put my own spin on it and make it into a frame. But instead of putting a picture in it I decided to put in quotes. This project can look very nice in places that just need that extra little spice to them. Let me teach you how to make this cute and easy project!IMG_2259.JPG

What you will need
  • Popsicle sticks (about 100 to make two frames, you will have a couple extra and that is ok)
  • Tacky glue
  • Paint (any color)
  • Paint brush
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick or glue bottle
  • Paper (color that goes with your paint color)
  • Twine (optional if you want to hang it up)
  • Any kind of embellishments that you would like to add!IMG_2213.JPG

Step one:

Create a template in the shape of a hexagon and lay three sticks out.
Step two: IMG_2214.JPG

Put a little dab of glue on the ends of all the sticks.

Step three:

Lay a stick in each one of the spaces making sure that the ends of the sticks line up with one another.

  • After each layer make sure the glue is completely dry before adding another layer.

Step four: IMG_2243.JPG

Keep layering the sticks until you have seven gaps on all the sides.


Step five:

Paint the hexagon the color of your choice (using a smaller brush will help ensure that you get in between all gaps).

  • This is an example of what they will look like when they are done.IMG_2254.JPG

  • If you have MIcrosoft Publisher that works really well for the quote process. This part of the project was a little tricky because I could not get the exact measurements but I made it work!

Step six: IMG_2262.JPG

Open Microsoft Publisher and create a hexagon that has a height of 7.4 inches and a width of 8.7 inches.

Once you have the hexagon create a text box and type your quote.

*  When you hang your project if you want the flat side up you will have to rotate the text but if you want the point up then you can leave it.

Step seven: IMG_2265.JPG

Print your quotes on your paper in whatever color you want and cut them out

Step eight:

Your paper hexagons are going to be a little big for your frame so line it up and do a little trim on the sides that hang over.


Step nine: IMG_2270.JPG

Put a little dab of glue on the ends of the popsicle stick where your paper is going to go and glue the paper to the hexagon (let it dry for a good amount of time to make sure it stays).

Step ten:

Add embellishments and twine if you are going to hang it up.

And there you go! A cute frame to hold your favorite quotes!IMG_2282.JPG

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