Saturday, November 26, 2016

Homemade Granola Bars


On the first day of school I have always been made a big elaborate breakfast, with no expense spared. There is everything anyone could want in a breakfast meal; orange juice, fruit, pancakes or french toast, and we can't forget about dessert. However now that we are well into the school year, at least for me I like to sleep in, so I don't always have time for a big elaborate breakfast. This granola bar recipe is very easy to make, for the most part very healthy, not to mention delicious.

What you will need for the bar:20161109_121948.jpg
1/4 c brown sugar
3/4 c honey
1/6 c coconut oil
1/8 tsp salt
1/2 c peanut butter
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp almond
2 c rice crispy cereal
1 1/3 c rolled oats
3 tbs chia seeds
1/4 c chopped almonds

What you will need for the topping:
1/4 c chopped chocolate chips
1/8 c chopped almonds
1/2 tbs chia seeds

  • Measure out sugar honey coconut oil and salt and place in a medium saucepan over medium heat, just until sugar is dissolved.
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  • Place oats crispy cereal and chia seeds in a large bowl, mix to combine.


  • Take sugar honey mixture off heat and add in vanilla and almond extract, then stir in peanut butter, let slightly cool.20161109_123135.jpg

  • After slightly cooled, pour sugar mixture over oats and rice cereal. Stir until everything is combined.


  • Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Pour the oat and sugar mixture onto the pan and use a large flat object wrapped in parchment paper to press it flat. (I used a glass tupperware container)

  • Place all of the ingredients for the topping in a small bowl and mix.


  • Sprinkle topping mixture over the top of the pressed out bars and press again with large flat object so the topping sticks.


  • Cover the bars with plastic wrap and place in the fridge overnight.
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  • Cut into skinny rectangles and enjoy!


Now you have a quick easy breakfast idea for you and your kiddos, that can be made in advance and saved for up to 2 weeks. That is if they last that long.

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