Tuesday, September 27, 2016

How to Make a Good Quality Locker Decoration

By: Kassidy Kerr

  • Glitter paper (or any paper you would like)
  • Scissors
  • Stickers
  • Hot glue (you can use Elmer’s but I feel hot glue works better)

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So the reason I am choosing to show how to do this is because I once was one to scroll through Google, Pinterest, and blogs but could not find anything that I liked! So I feel that this is very helpful to anyone that makes locker decorations. Let’s just jump right in!

First, all you need to do is cut your paper to the size you would like. I like to measure mine! After you measure it, you can trim down the pieces if they are too big! While I cut the paper I also cut little squares in a different color.

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After that you can turn the paper over and start gluing on the squares in any position you would like! I then put the stickers on the squares and because it’s football season I put the number too. After you have put the name and number on, you can add any stickers or decorations you want.

I hope this helped anyone wanting to find a more interesting locker sign/decoration!

xoxo, Kassidy

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