Friday, September 30, 2016

How to Creatively Decorate a Pumpkin

Fall is right around the corner! Fall is by far my favorite season with its football games, bonfires, sweatshirts, and beautiful colors. My family and I harvested pumpkins last weekend that we planted in our own garden. We ended up with a TON, so I decided to get creative with a few of them. They are perfect for decorating and displaying in and outside of your home. It’s a fun and simple way to add to your “fall look”. Take a look.

-Acrylic Paint (white and other colors of your choice)
-Crackle acrylic paint
-Paint brush (pick whatever size you feel is necessary)
-Small, artistic brush for details

Step 1:
First, take a wet paper towel, and clean off the dirt that may be on your pumpkin. Then take a dry paper towel and dry your pumpkin.

Step 2:
Now you’re ready to paint. I used white acrylic paint as my base color for the 3 pumpkins I decorated. I applied 3 coats.

Step 3:
Decorate your pumpkin! Feel free to decorate the way YOU want to.

The first one I did,, was the black and white crackled pumpkin. After I let my final coat of white paint dry, I applied a thin layer of acrylic crackle, let that dry, and then did a very thin layer of black paint. Slowly, it started cracking, giving a
cool, spooky type look.

The second pumpkin I decorated,, was the one with orange swirls. This takes a very steady hand. It was a bit difficult trying to keep the lines perfect. I had to go
over the swirls a few times to fix my mistakes.

The last pumpkin I decorated (and my favorite) is the teal and white fall pumpkin. I did not measure anything on this pumpkin, I simply eyeballed it and did the best I could to make everything line up perfectly. I applied 2 coats of the teal. I also free handed the letters.

These are just a few of the many ways you could decorate your pumpkins. There are so many different ideas that you could find on Pinterest as well. Don’t be afraid to try something new!

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