Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Vampire Bites: The Pinterest Fail

As we fly into this season of fall, we are met with the excitement of Halloween. Witches, werewolves, vampires, you name it will be showing up on your doorstep scaring you into giving them delicious treats. Although that sounds fun, Halloween is not just meant for little kids in costumes, it welcomes everyone. For an adult, Halloween means parties and with parties comes sweets. These vampire inspired brownies are perfect for a Halloween themed party. So, if these tasteful brownies make your mouth water, climb out of your coffin and sink your fangs into these sweet treats. This would be an introduction for a successful Pinterest creation. Through the picture, you can see that this brownie creation was not so successful. Read more to learn how to put these together and how sometimes Pinterest can be deceiving.

My Supplies:
  • 1 box of brownie mix, along with the ingredients for brownies
  • 1 small can of cherry pie filling
  • 16 oz of white frosting
  • Small marshmallows
  • Pull apart Twizzlers
Their Supplies:
  • 1 box of brownie mix, along with the ingredients for brownies
  • 1 small can of cherry pie filling
  • 16 oz of white frosting
  • 2 cups of gummy vampire teeth

Since these brownies are from a box, all you have to do is follow the directions on the back of the box. Along with the brownie ingredients, you need to preheat your oven to 325 F. As that preheats, spray your muffin tins with a non stick cooking spray. This was all kittens and rainbows. It is a box mix, how hard could that be to mess up?

Next, begin combining all of your brownie ingredients together in a large bowl. Make sure all the powder is mixed well. You do not want to have lumpy batter. Easy. So far, this recipe seemed like it was all going to pan out. Get it, pan out? Oh, how I love cooking puns!


Once your batter is ready, take a cookie scoop and begin filling your muffin tins. Make sure to fill the cups about ⅔ of the way. You do not want them to be filled to the brim which could make the following steps harder. When your oven is ready, place the brownies in for 15-20 minutes. Still, this creation was going strong. I truly believed that I was making the coolest brownies.


While your brownies are baking, take your can of cherry pie filling and pour it into a blender. This only takes a few seconds to blend, turning the cherries into a liquid solution. Once done, set aside until the brownies are finished baking. Blending cherries, okay I can do that. Simple enough. Through these steps, everything was working. What could possibly go wrong? Pinterest has always given me amazing, successful ideas.

The Beginning of the Fail

(Sorry for the poor picture of the craters!)

When the timer goes off, take a toothpick and place it in the middle of the muffin like brownie. The toothpick should come out with a few crumbs attached. That did not happen for me. The toothpick came out full of brownie mix. It was like they never cooked, so I baked them for an additional ten minutes.
Let these sit for about a minute, then take a spoon and lightly push down on the center of the the brownies. This will cause a crater where the cherry filling will be placed. With my brownies, I failed to let them sit for a minute making the crater a bit larger than I wanted. So, the cooling process is an important step.


Like I said, taking the cherry filling, you will take a spoon and place a glob in the center of the brownie crater. Just like when you filled the muffin tins with the brownie mix, do not overflow. This will cause the frosting step to become mess and unneat. From experience, this is a hard step to do when you are not one hundred percent sure how deep the hole is. As you can see, their filling is not as runny as mine. I guess I blended it a bit too much. It just told me to blend it until it was like jam. How does blending something make a jam solution?

Moving on to the frosting. Remove the lid and foil cover and place the container in the microwave for 10 seconds. After ten seconds, stir the frosting. Then, place back in the microwave for an additional 5 seconds. This step may sound weird, but it makes frosting these a whole lot easier when it is runny. All you do is drizzle it over the brownies to cover up the red center that you created. Yes, it made it easier, but it was quite messy. You have to make sure you place the first drop of frosting in the correct spot or the center will mix with the frosting and run all over the place. This is one messy step if not done right.

Place the pan of brownies into the fridge to let the frosting harden. This will make the decorating step not as messy. I placed my batch in the fridge and let them sit over night. This let the frosting firm even more than what the instructions from


Trying to be creative and not being able to find gummy vampire teeth, I took pull apart Twizzlers and marshmallows to represent vampire teeth. That was a complete fail. They look nothing like teeth. So, for this step, make sure to find actual gummy vampire teeth. When I was shopping for the ingredients, I could not find vampire teeth anywhere inside the Halloween candy section at Target. What is Halloween without vampires? So, if you want to try these, good luck finding these gummies.


So, in the end, this was a complete fail. I was really sad with the result. I really wanted these to turn out. Maybe they would have turned out a bit better than they did if I did not cook them at nine o’clock at night. Oh well, I guess we will never know. This project, at least for me, will be marked down as a Pinterest fail. Dear Pinterest, do not fail me ever again. Thank you! All the love.

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