Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Colorful Halloween Wax Pumpkin


Halloween is coming up and I am super eager to make decorations for the season. I was looking around the internet for a fun project to do. I found a picture of a white pumpkin with crayon wax dripping off all sides. It looked super fun and easy to do. This project looks very colorful and fit for the season.

What you will need:20151020_190910.jpg

  1. Crayons of your choice
  2. Glue
  3. Blow dryer
  4. White pumpkin
  5. Newspapers

  1. First, take your crayons and glue them in a circle around the stem of your pumpkin.


  1. Next, take your newspapers and lay them under your pumpkin. Take your blow dryer and on the hottest setting, blow on your crayons. It will take a while for the crayons to start melting and once they do you can tip the pumpkin to help the wax drip down the sides. Melt to your desired look, then you are done.


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